Mapping For Context Sensitive Help

Developers can call a specific topic in the help so that users are taken straight to information relating to what they are doing. This can be done with a URL or by using mapping. The advantage of mapping is that you can later change the file name and its location in the project structure without affecting the call. The user will be presented with whatever topic you have assigned to the map id.

For Microsoft HTML Help (CHMs) you can also create windows with specific properties in Output > Window Settings.

Create a Map File

To create a map file, also referred to as an H file, click Map Files in Output mode. Click the + icon and give the file a name. You will then see the screen shown below with the contents of the project shown. You can also import H files.

You then drag the topics into the area shown above and they will be listed in a grid as shown below. Default Map IDs and Map Numbers will be applied and these can be changed to your requirements.

There are also some Options that you can set from the context menu.

You can add an automatic prefix, a start number and/or force the map ids to be uppercase.


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